Soft Confident Hands

Soft Confident Hands




Healthcare professionals, dishwashers, kitchen workers etc have to wash their hands frequently. This could lead to dry, cracked and/or red skin. This could be painful associated with burning sensation as well.


Dry weather

Washing hands frequently

Low humidity

Harsh Soaps

What can you do?

Use luke warm water to wash hands. Coat your hands with quality 100% organic Merci Universe skin cream.

Do not wear gloves longer than necessary. Let your skin breathe. 

Use non-latex gloves if you are allergic to latex gloves.

Self Care Tips:

Wash your hands with mild soap with luke warm water. Apply Merci Universe cream and massage your skin, nails and cuticles. Feel the warm and comfy layer creating around your skin. Let it absorb into your skin. Don't worry about your sheets. It is not oily.

Reapply cream after bathing or washing.

Merci Universe creams are 100% natural and organic. 100% chemical free.

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